- Deforestation and factory farms, a “Disneyland” for the spread of new virusesIn Deforestation, Factory farming, One Health26 April 2020
- Coronavirus, thousands of meat plant workers infected in dozens of outbreaks in Europe and USIn Slaughterhouses30 June 2020
- China increasing demand for meat and the pressure on Amazon and CerradoIn Deforestation, Factory farming28 December 2020
- How much soy do we eat (without knowing it) through intensive farming?In Deforestation, Factory farming16 December 2020
- Fish farms in Mediterranean ‘paradise’ blamed for pollutionIn Fish farms, One Health22 March 2021
- How EU Green Deal fosters overfishing in West AfricaIn FeedVSFood, Fish farms22 November 2021
- A 12-storey pig farm: has China found the way to tackle animal disease?In Factory farming, One Health21 September 2020
- Negotiations to conserve Antarctic Ocean end in stalemate on many issuesIn FeedVSFood, Fish farms8 November 2022