Sep 21, 2020 | Factory farming, One Health
Biosecure farms complete with staff quarantine and chutes for dead pigs are seen as progress, but may carry their own risks The buildings do not even look like farms. They are huge grey concrete blocks, many storeys high, which stand side by side in the middle of what...
May 9, 2020 | Factory farming
‘Zoonoses often take that route… and the more you have of a thing, the more that thing is going to be the likely conveyor,’ says UN environment chief Industrial animal farming has caused most new infectious diseases in humans in the past decade – and risks...
Apr 26, 2020 | Deforestation, Factory farming, One Health
According to different estimates based on FAO data, every year globally over 150 billion animals (also taking into account fishing) end up in our food production cycle, of which at least 80 billion through intensive farming. The magnitude of this number is even more...